英文対策 過去問2021年度第1問|放送大学大学院修士課程入学筆記試験対策






European Environment Agency, EEA Report No 22/2019, pp.10-18からの抜粋で、結構改変してありました。

Environmental noise, and in particular road traffic noise, is a major environmental problem in Europe.
The number of people exposed to high levels of noise since 2012 has broadly remained stable. (a)However an increase in the population exposed to environmental noise is projected as a result of future urban growth and increased mobility demand.
The Seventh Environmental Action Programme objective of significantly reducing noise pollution in the EU, moving closer to the World Health Organization’s recommended levels by 2020, will not be achieved.
More than 30 % of the noise mapping data required are still not available after the 2017 legal reporting deadline. Gap-filling was used to present a complete picture.
Table 1 shows the latest estimations of population exposure for the most recent round of noise mapping within and outside urban areas for the 33 EEA member countries (EEA-33), excluding Turkey. (b)The overall number of people exposed to day-evening-night noise levels of 55 dB or higher is estimated to be 113 million for road traffic noise, 22 million for railway noise, 4 million for aircraft noise and less than 1 million for noise caused by industries. Similarly, road traffic is by far the biggest source of environmental noise during the night-time, followed by railway, air and industrial noise. (c)Considering road traffic noise only, these results indicate that at least 20 % of Europeans are exposed to high levels of noise durin the day-evening-night period and more than 15 % during the night-time period, from which adverse health effects can occur. (d)These values are likely to be underestimated. given that the Environmental Noise Directive (END) does not comprehensively cover all urban areas or all roads across Europe. Furthermore, there is also a considerable number of people exposed to rail, aircraft and industry noise. However, it is difficult to estimate the total number of citizens exposed to high levels of noise across all sources, as certain individuals may be exposed to a combination of noise sources, and thus a simple summation would lead to double counting.
The END requires the provision of exposure data in 5 dB bands for Lden and Lnight above the reporting thresholds. Health risks can increase with higher levels of exposure, and noise abatement measures to be implemented may also differ, depending on the source and the specific noise-level band being addressed.

Table 1 Population exposure to environmental noise, based on areas covered by strategic noise maps in 2017、EEA-33 (Turkey not included)

Notes: Based on data submitted up until 1 January 2019 for the 2017 END submission of strategic noise mapping. Reported data refer to data submitted by countries and estimated data refer to data gap-filled because of incomplete reporting.
Noise indicators and definitions used
Lden (day-evening-night noise level): the long-term average indicator designed to assess annoyance and defined by the END. It refers to an A-weighted average sound pressure level over all days, evenings and nights in a year, with an evening weighting of 5 dB and a night weighting of 10 dB.
Lnight (night noise level): the long-term average indicator defined by the END and designed to assess sleep disturbance. It refers to an A-weighted annual average night period of exposure.

(1) 下線 (a) の部分の英文を日本語訳

However an increase in the population exposed to environmental noise is projected as a result of future urban growth and increased mobility demand.




(2) 下線(b)の部分の英文に記された人数は、 Table 1に示された7つの発生源のうち、どの発生源によるものを合計した数か。 該当する発生源を全て答える。

The overall number of people exposed to day-evening-night noise levels of 55 dB or higher is estimated to be 113 million for road traffic noise,

・Inside urban areas のRoad
・Outside urban areas のRoad

(3) 下線(c)の部分の英文を日本語に訳しなさい。

Considering road traffic noise only, these results indicate that at least 20 % of Europeans are exposed to high levels of noise durin the day-evening-night period and more than 15 % during the night-time period, from which adverse health effects can occur.


Google 翻訳

道路交通騒音のみを考慮すると、これらの結果は、ヨーロッパ人の少なくとも 20 % が昼から夕方、夜間に高レベルの騒音にさらされており、夜間には 15 % 以上が高レベルの騒音にさらされており、そこから健康への悪影響が生じる可能性があることを示しています。


(4) 下線(d) の部分の英文を日本語に訳す。

These values are likely to be underestimated, given that the Environmental Noise Directive (END) does not comprehensively cover all urban areas or all roads across Europe.


Google 翻訳

環境騒音指令 (END) がヨーロッパ全土のすべての都市部やすべての道路を包括的にカバーしているわけではないことを考えると、これらの値は過小評価される可能性があります。



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