第1問の問題文の出典は、「Governance as an SDG Accelerator Country Experiences and Tools」。OECDのウェブサイトで読むことができます。
出題に使われているのは、Chapter 7. Governance frameworks to support gender equalityから。
Gender equality as a cross-cutting enabler of SDG implementation
Gender equality is both a goal in itself in the 2030 Agenda (SDG 5) and a cross-cutting catalyst for accelerating progress in nearly every other SDG, from tackling poverty and malnutrition, to improving children’s education and health and supporting more sustainable consumption patterns (UN Women, 2018[1]). The SDGs have set a far-reaching agenda to advance gender equality and empower all women and girls to achieve sustainable development and to mainstream gender in other goals through the development of gender-sensitive sectoral indicators.
Despite increasing political commitment and growing political awareness of the gender equality imperative, its effective realisation remains undermined by many factors, including cultural barriers and stereotypes, and insufficient institutional capacity. Progress in closing gender gaps has been very slow and gender gaps have even widened in some countries. While in many countries the income and labour market participation gap between women and men has decreased in recent decades, gender inequality persists – to varying degrees – in education, employment, entrepreneurship and public life. When women do work, they are more likely to work part-time and work for lower pay. On average, gender pay gaps across OECD countries remains at about 15% at the median, and little change has been recorded in recent years. Within public administrations, which often have a better gender balance than the private sector, women continue to be over-represented in low-level job categories and part time work.
Achieving gender equality is a complex, transversal and multidimensional task. From governments’ perspective, it requires the involvement and buy-in from all actors as well as a broad array of stakeholders across society. In addition, given the diversity within the male and female groups and intersecting identity factors, (e.g. related to age, geography, culture, income, disability, ethnicity, etc.), an intersectional governance approach is critical to implement gender equality while addressing economic, social, political and environmental aspects of gender gaps at the global, national and local levels.
Three main pillars of sound public governance are critical for achieving SDG 5: first, understanding and mapping the interactions between gender equality and other goals; second, implementing gender equality in the public sector and legislation; and third, supporting whole-of-society efforts to support girls’ and women’s empowerment and address discrimination in social norms and unconscious biases.
Governance as an SDG Accelerator Country Experiences and Tools
Gender equality is both a goal in itself in the 2030 Agenda (SDGs) and a cross-cutting catalyst for accelerating progress in nearly every other SDG, from tackling poverty and malnutrition, to improving children’s education and health and supporting more sustainable consumption patterns
ジェンダー平等は、それ自体が 2030 アジェンダ (SDG 5) の目標であると同時に、貧困や栄養不良への取り組みから、子どもの教育と健康の改善、より持続可能な消費パターンの支援に至るまで、他のほぼすべての SDG の進歩を加速するための横断的な触媒でもあります。
While in many countries the income and labour market participation gap between women and men has decreased in recent decades, gender inequality persists – to varying degrees – in education, employment, entrepreneurship and public life.
In addition, given the diversity within the male and female groups and intersecting identity factors, (e.g. related to age, geography, culture, income, disability, ethnicity, etc.), an intersectional governance approach is critical to implement gender equality while addressing economic, social, political and environmental aspects of gender gaps at the global, national and local levels.
さらに、男性と女性のグループ内の多様性と交差するアイデンティティ要素(例、年齢、地理、文化、収入、障害、民族性などに関連する)を考慮すると、経済的問題に対処しながらジェンダー平等を実現するには、横断的なガバナンスアプローチが不可欠です。 、世界、国、地方レベルでのジェンダーギャップの社会的、政治的、環境的側面。